
Conference Chairs

  • Andy Terrel, University of Texas
  • Jonathan Rocher, Enthought, Inc.

Program Committee Chairs

  • Katy Huff, University of Wisconsin and Argonne National Laboratory
  • Matt McCormick, Kitware, Inc.

Tutorial Chairs

  • Dharhas Pothina, Texas Water Development Board
  • Francesc Alted, Continuum Analytics

Sprint Chairs

  • Corran Webster, Enthought, Inc.
  • Peter Wang, Continuum Analytics

Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) Chairs

  • Kyle Mandli, University of Texas
  • Matthew Turk, Columbia University

Communications Chairs

  • Anthony Scopatz, University of Chicago
  • Majken Tranby, Enthought, Inc.

Financial Aid Chairs

  • Jeff Daily, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • John Wiggins, Enthought, Inc.

Operations Chair

  • Leah Jones, Enthought, Inc.
  • Brett Murphy, Enthought, Inc.

Financial Chair

  • Bill Cowan, Enthought, Inc.

Mini-symposium Chairs

  • Tom Aldcroft, Harvard/Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
  • Brad Chapman, Bioinformatics Core, Harvard School of Public Health
  • Kelsey Jordahl, Enthought, Inc.
  • Gael Varoquaux, INRIA
  • Chris Barker,, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Program Committee

  • Aron Ahmadia
  • Tom Aldcroft
  • Chris Barker
  • Nathan Bell
  • Joshua Bloom
  • Matthew Brett
  • Brad Chapman
  • Matt Davis
  • Daniel Dye
  • Satrajit Ghosh
  • Perry Greenfield
  • Kelsey Jordahl
  • Matthew Knepley
  • Jessica Lu
  • Hilary Mason
  • Mike McKerns
  • Zain Memon
  • Aronne Merrelli
  • Shelia Miguez
  • August Muench
  • Cait Pickens
  • Serge Rey
  • Tom Robitaille
  • Dan Schult
  • Rich Signell
  • William Spotz
  • Matt Terry
  • Erik Tollerud
  • James Turner
  • Geraldine van der Auwera
  • Jake van der Plas
  • Gael Varoquax
  • Peter Wang
  • Andrew Wilson

Program Staff

  • Jodi Havranek, Enthought, Inc.
  • Jim Ivanoff, Enthought, Inc.
  • Lauren Johnson, Enthought, Inc.